Work With Us
Kerfuffle is seeking a non-AEA stage manager, costume designer, and props designer for Toddler Hiking Club: An Imaginative Nature Walk, a promenade, interactive dramatic experience for very young children and their caregivers that takes place in and around nature play spaces and on short walking trails in the Chicago parks. As the audience follows the Trail Guide on the walk, the ensemble will share performances, poems, music, and other artistic moments along the way. A love and respect for children is necessary and a sense of adventure is preferred.
Production Calendar
Auditions: Saturday, May 4 2:30-7:30 p.m. and May 5 12:30-3:00 p.m. at The Edge Theater, 5451 N. Broadway
Design meetings: 3-4 virtual meetings between June-August
Rehearsals: Tentatively August 4 - August 29 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings (6:00-9:30 p.m. indoor rehearsals and 6:00-9:00 p.m. outdoor rehearsals), and Sundays during the day (10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.), not to exceed 15 hours of rehearsal time per week.
Location: Rehearsals will be held indoors in Edgewater from August 4 - 15 and outdoors at performance parks August 18 - 29.
Dress Rehearsals: Saturday, August 31; Sunday, September 1; Wednesday, September 4; Thursday, September 5
Performances: Six daytime performances on Saturdays and Sundays between September 7 - 29 at three parks around the city of Chicago.
Stage Manager: $600 + $25 transportation stipend
Designers: $500 stipend
Instructions to Apply
For stage manager applicants: Submit a resume to Artistic Director Ashley Laverty
For designer applicants: Submit a resume and portfolio to Managing Director Jeff Sachs